Additions To Build Saving
Template Saving is finally here with the come of Nightfall, but there is one thing that could make it much friendlier to the online community.
It is great that it saves the Templates to a text file on your computer so it can be shared, but it only saves an ID of the build. If all of the build information, (aka all 8 skill names and attribute point levels), was saved to the text file as well, it would make it a lot easier for those guilds who like to maintain a builds section on their website.
It could save server space if it is decided to read all the information from the text file instead of just an ID, though this would require checks so people can't append things to their builds manually that shouldn't be allowed. Also, if server space isn't an issue, the first line of the text file could remain an ID and the rest could have the sole use to assist the online community.
A lot more people would take the time to just upload a file that a server can decode into all of the build pieces than to go through and manually select the skills and attributes.
Just the ability to share the file is great, but it would be even nicer if you could more readily see what the exact contents of that build is without sacrificing the time of the person who wants to share.